Rabu, 23 Juli 2014

Puisi Marshanda - "Letter to God"

Diposting oleh Zahrah R♣ di 06.41 0 komentar
I'm holding my tears from falling down 
Feeling this feeling of love from you

I thought i've never known you
Cos i've never seen you

When here you are all this time
Trying to teach me about what LOVE is
Through breakdowns, meltdowns, stressed-ups and crash-downs There you are

HERE you are all this time
Trying to let me know how it feels to appreciate when i finally FEEL
What Love Is..

And now i can't believe life could be this beautiful
That I can ever be this happy
I thought i am about to die
Cos i never felt this way
Not once as real as this now

And i feel chill on my feet
Really i thought i'm about to die just now

But it is You
Trying to let me know, that
And this has finally become REAL

...This day.

By : Indriana Marshanda

Lirik Puisi Marshanda - "You Used Me"

Diposting oleh Zahrah R♣ di 06.41 0 komentar
     You used me
Oh, you used me

As a silent stupid doll
You put on your small fake stage

You got the best of me
While stupidly, I kept letting you make a fool out of me

How could I be so stupid
I thought I was good in loving myself

Now I see
It's easy for you to play hero and tell the world about it

For you I was an easy target
Cos I tore down my armor
And let you grab my heart and drain the life out of it

How could you be so evil
How could I see you as an angel

Foolish of me
What a fool I was
Foolish of me

Now I am moving on
And you'll keep going down
Spiralling down as a true monster in a face of an angel
While i'll shine cos i'm going for the stars

You'll keep playing fake
While i'll spread love
Cos of the strength of my honesty

Now it's my time to close the book
You got me.
Im hurt.
Yes finally i've opened my eyes.

I'm meant for the world's greatness
You deserve no place in it.
You got no place at all in it.

Pity you fake angel
Pity you true loser

Now you got none of my heart
You got none of my heart.

By : Indriana Marshanda 

Sabtu, 28 Desember 2013

Pentatonix (PTX) Acapella Group

Diposting oleh Zahrah R♣ di 17.44 0 komentar
For this post, i wanna talk about Pentatonix or you can call it PTX.

Did you know PTX Acapella Group?
if you know, what do you think about PTX?

I think they're awesome! Haha, i was so excited with they're new videos.
I love them so much!

Pentatonix or PTX is an American Acapella group of five vocalists. They are..
- Scott Hoying as Vocalist
- Kirstie Maldonado as Vocalist 
- Mitch Grassi as Vocalist
- Avi Kaplan as Vocal Bass
- Kevin Olusola as Beatboxer

They won the third season of The Sing Off on NBC in 2011. They singing an acapella arrangements of "Eye Of The Tiger" which originally performed by the band Survivor as their victory song.
They are so great! These are some of their videos that i think so nice to hear.

Hope you love it!

Pentatonix (PTX) - Thrift Shop

Pentatonix (PTX) - Royals

Pentatonix (PTX) - Daft Punk

Pentatonix (PTX) - I Need Your Love

And last, Pentatonix ft. Lindsey Stirling - Radioactive

Kamis, 26 Desember 2013

Be Yourself

Diposting oleh Zahrah R♣ di 20.00 0 komentar
Well, hey..
I don't know what i am doing right now, but i really want to write this on my blog.
Actually, i wonder. Who really i am?
I am a Human.
I am a Woman.
I am a Student.
I am a.. well i don't know what else._.
Can you imagine it?
A human, a woman, a student who doesn't know who really she is.
That's strange, right?

I love hearing music. But, is it true that I love music?
I mean I love all that sounds, that tone, that.. bla bla things.
It's like when i'm hearing music, it's feel so calm, so peaceful, so touching.
It can make me cry. Make me so happy. And.. you can feel it by yourself, right?
It's hard to explain, but yeah it's something like that.

Maybe you and of course i am wonder. Why am i born?
They always said, "you were born by some reason"
So.. can you tell me what is it? What is the reason that I must born?
Maybe I should proud of it.
That I born for some reason, even that I don't know exactly what is the reason.

My Feellings, i can mention all the feellings that i have. cause it's my feellings, right?
Sad, Angry, Happy, Proud, Starve, hmm.. maybe sad again? angry again? and happy again?
I keep on spinning like a bowling ball which will eventually stop.
Round, Round, Spin, Spin, bla bla bla.
Sad? I can Cry
Angry? I can smash things haha
Happy? I don't know. Or maybe I can laugh? or maybe I can smiling?
"Your smiling" , "Your laughing".
Is it right if I laughing or smiling that we're happy?

Then we met someone who can understand our feelings. Who will listen to our vents, our comments.
If not? Why? Why you don't have any bestfriend?
Why? cause you can't trust somebody? cause they're liars? or they betrayed you?
Or you just can't trust somebody.
Maybe you just afraid. You've being haunted cause all that things.
Then, you just walk on the street, ALONE.

From all things that i mention it, it's just a write hand. Maybe can be your or mine story. I just threw my feeling. Like everyone said, "Be Yourself". Then there it is. It's only YOU, not anyone else.
It's your LIFE. When you get down, maybe some people try to help you. Like friends;) When you get haunted because they betrayed you or something else, not everyone is like that. You will find a very good bestfriend that you've never met before.

And when you rise, you can't rise by yourself, right? It's not like you twist your hand, right? Again, some people beside you try to help you too. Like your parents;). They lead you from nothing to a preciouse thing. From you can't walk, then you can run.
From you can't speak, then you can talk. But, don't you ever dare to sclod or yelling your own parents. I know, maybe i always do that thing, but we must estrange that vice. We must. We should trying.

And last, don't forget BE YOURSELF no matter what. And don't LOSE your mind.

Jumat, 16 Agustus 2013

Lirik Lagu Kelly Clarkson - Because Of You

Diposting oleh Zahrah R♣ di 22.58 0 komentar

I will not make the same mistakes that you did

I will not let myself cause my heart so much misery
I will not break the way you did
You fell so hard
I've learned the hard way, to never let it get that far

Because of you
I'll never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side
So I don't get hurt
Because of you
I find it hard to trust
Not only me, but everyone around me
Because of you
I am afraid

I lose my way
And it's not too long before you point it out
I cannot cry
Because I know that's weakness in your eyes
I'm forced to fake, a smile, a laugh
Every day of my life
My heart can't possibly break
When it wasn't even whole to start with

Because of you
I'll never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side
So I don't get hurt
Because of you
I find it hard to trust
Not only me, but everyone around me
Because of you
I am afraid

I watched you die
I heard you cry
Every night in your sleep
I was so young
You should have known better than to lean on me
You never thought of anyone else
You just saw your pain
And now I cry
In the middle of the night
For the same damn thing

Because of you
I'll never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side
So I don't get hurt
Because of you
I tried my hardest just to forget everything
Because of you
I don't know how to let anyone else in
Because of you
I'm ashamed of my life because it's empty
Because of you
I am afraid

Because of you
Because of you

Rabu, 24 Juli 2013


Diposting oleh Zahrah R♣ di 03.54 0 komentar

Mungkin kata itu sudah tidak asing lagi di telinga kita. Menurut kalian cinta itu apa sih sebenernya? 
Beberapa ada yang bilang, "Cinta itu Sejati", "Cinta itu Happily Never After", "Cinta itu Buta", Cinta itu.. Cinta itu.. 

Menurut saya, cinta itu menyakitkan, membuat kita menderita, membuat kita patah hati, bikin pusing otak. Tapi saya tau.. Cinta itu menyenangkan bagi kita yang menikmatinya. 
Cinta Cinta.. Cinta itu butuh pengorbanan atau mungkin juga tidak. Tergantung pada apa yang kita dan pasangan kita alami. Mungkin ada yang sakittt hatinya karena disakiti oleh pasangannya atau mungkin sebaliknya, dia yang membuat pasangannya sakit hati, itu semua tergantung kita menjalaninya seperti apa.

Cinta itu tak dapat diungkapkan, Cinta itu natural.. Alami, Cinta itu rahasia, Cinta itu datang secara tiba - tiba dan tidak diketahui oleh siapapun kecuali diri kita sendiri. Masing - masing orang mengalami cinta yang berbeda - beda. Mungkin ada yang berawal dari kejailan atau ledek ledekan satu sama lain dan membuat percikan hati. Dan mungkin berawal dari diam diam suka, lalu saling bertukar nomor telfon, dll.

Cinta itu abstrak. Kadang - kadang senang, namun terkadang juga sedih. Kadang - kadang suka tertawa atau tersenyum sendiri karena dapat SMS atau BBM atau Whatsapp atau pun yang lain dari pasangan kita. Dan namun terkadang sedih karena menerima text message yang menyatakan bahwa dia sedang bersama perempuan lain. Saya termasuk orang yang mengalami itu semua. Sedih, Senang, Suka, CINTA, menderita, sakit hati, gembira. Semua campur aduk menjadi suatu adonan yang tak orang lain mengerti. Cinta itu lebih mudah dialami daripada dijelaskan.

Cinta bisa menggebu - gebu bagaikan sebuah api yang sedang membara. Itulah Jatuh Cinta. Perasaan selalu ingin berdua, tak terpisahkan sampai kapanpun, selalu memikirkan dia, dia dia dan dia... tak ada fikiran lain selain dia. 

"Sometimes memories makes you blind. You keep thinking it's just a shadow. Until you realize, you're already in love."  -Novel Goodbye Happiness

Sambil melihat air hujan yang turun dari sebuah jendela, aku memikirkanmu. Sambil melihat derasnya air terjun, aku memikirkanmu. Terlalu takut untuk di tinggalkan oleh dua mata itu. Terlalu takut di tinggalkan oleh hangatnya tangan itu. Genangan air sungai yang mengalir mengingatkan saat cinta kita teralir seperti itu. Tenang.. Mengikuti Arus.. Tak ada yang melawan.

If I Lose You? Just If.. 
Jika aku kehilanganmu? hanya jika.. Pernyataan seperti itu membuat nafas terengah, hati tergoyah. Bagaimana? bagaimana 'jika' itu terjadi diantara kita? Konyol, dan itu sangat konyol. Tidak akan pernah bukan? Ya kan? Entahlah.. 

Ketakutan merasuki tubuh ini, saat melihat dia bersama perempuan lain. Hancur.. Saat melihat telfonnya berdering, dan bertuliskan nama perempuan lain diatas nomor yang tertera di handphonenya. Kaget, itu yang kurasakan. Suasana hati tiba tiba berubah menjadi suram. Dan saat itulah kita menitikkan air mata. Menangislah.. Tak apa.. dan mungkin sebenarnya itu yang biasa dilakukan oleh seorang perempuan.

"Lack of love will make you sad, too much love will lead you to pain"  -Novel Goodbye Happiness

Cry.. That's what you do when you're broken heart. Be sorry for all what you've done. Saat sakit hati, hati kita seperti dicabik cabik. retak lalu berjatuhan menjadi serpihan - serpihan kecil. Karena dia.. aku begini.. karena dia.. mataku memerah dan membengkak. Badanku tak berdaya, seperti terbaring disuatu ruangan hampa. Dia.. berpaling.. It's look like.. "Goodbye Happiness and Welcome suffering" 

Goodbye my Prince.. You will always in my heart. Always..

Kamis, 20 Desember 2012

Lirik Lagu Christian Perri A - A Thousand Years

Diposting oleh Zahrah R♣ di 05.10 0 komentar

heartbeats fast
colors and promises
how to be brave
how can i love when i’m afraid to fall
but watching you stand alone
all of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow
one step closer

i have died everyday waiting for you
darling don’t be afraid i have loved you
for a thousand years
i love you for a thousand more

time stands still
beauty in all she is
i will be brave
i will not let anything take away
what’s standing in front of me
every breath
every hour has come to this
one step closer

i have died everyday waiting for you
darling don’t be afraid i have loved you
for a thousand years
i love you for a thousand more

and all along i believed i would find you
time has brought your heart to me
i have loved you for a thousand years
i love you for a thousand more

one step closer
one step closer

i have died everyday waiting for you
darling don’t be afraid i have loved you
for a thousand years
i love you for a thousand more

and all along i believed i would find you
time has brought your heart to me
i have loved you for a thousand years
i love you for a thousand more

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